Sunday, November 29, 2009

In Windows IE how do I save the tabs so they will all open next time I open IE?

Tools -%26gt; Internet Options -%26gt; Home Page. You can create as many hoe pahe as you want. They will be opened in the separate tabs

In Windows IE how do I save the tabs so they will all open next time I open IE?

Save all the sites you want to open to a seperate folder in your favorites. Click on "Favorites", then roll the mouse over the folder you want to open. There will be an arrow to the right of the folder pointing to the right. Click on the arrow, and all the sites in the folder will open in seperate tabs.

If you only want to open them once, have all the sites you want to save open, and close out IE. You will get a window that says "Do you want to close all tabs?" Click the box that says "Open these the next time I use Internet Explorer." Then, the next time you open IE, all your tabs will be restored.

I downloaded IE 7 to override my IP browser. Now I have IE 7 but am missing the toolbars on the top?

where I had File, Edith, Tools etc. which cam with my xp windws. please help to recover them.

I downloaded IE 7 to override my IP browser. Now I have IE 7 but am missing the toolbars on the top?microsoft access

to show the tool bar just hit the ALT key.

I downloaded IE 7 to override my IP browser. Now I have IE 7 but am missing the toolbars on the top?windows mobile 6 internet explorer

This really is not a programming and design question....

But the answer to your problem is: on the Tools menu click Menu Bar to bring the familiar menu back
This is part of the new design of Internet Explorer 7. The menu bar has been hidden by default to allow more "viewing space".

To display it temporarily, press the ALT key. Press ALT again and it will disappear. If you go to Tools %26gt; Menu Bar, the bar will be there permanently (until you hide it again).

Iain :]

My default ie page changes on loading ie?

You might have spywares/adwares in your computer!!

Download and install these free s/w's



AVG anti virus

Windows Defender

My default ie page changes on loading ie?microsoft outlook

Click on Tools and then Internet Options and it should display the current URL in the Home Page section.

Change your URL there.

My default ie page changes on loading ie?windows messenger internet explorer

Sounds like you have malware on your machine. Hit the Trend Micro website for free virus scan. They have the latest updates for malware/spyware.
Sounds like someone has managed to change your homepage to a rotator link. A rotator is apiece of software that changes the displayed page or graphic every time the page is accessed. They are used by indecisive marketers who are not sure what to promote and advertise 5 or more items at once.

Menu TOOLS, OPTIONS, MAIN tab and put the home page you want into the appropriate box and press OK. If it changes back after your next reboot, then there is a chance you have a virus and you will need to clean it out before you go any further. Chances are if you have this problem, any searches you do will jump to a strange search engine.

It is more likely to be an accidental change or someone else who has used your PC.
You must be having a spyware. Run a spyware check on your computer.

You can download Microsoft anti-spyware; it has a 30 day trial version, or just google for an anti spyware software.

I have ie and firefox i can browse with fox but when i try to browse with ie it says cannot display


I have ie and firefox i can browse with fox but when i try to browse with ie it says cannot display the page ?windows defender

It depends on what you are using to connect. There are Connection Settings under Tools: Internet Options. If you are connected to a network, you need to have the LAN settings checked. If you are on a network, in order to use IE, you may have to have your firewall disabled. Sometimes, depending on your internet connection, you may not want to take that chance.

If you have high speed internet, I would use firefox instead of IE because of the high incidence of viruses with IE and high speed.

I have ie and firefox i can browse with fox but when i try to browse with ie it says cannot display the page ?windows updates internet explorer

well, ie does suck, so ill go with that.
Check the settings on IE, go to tools menu at the top of IE and go to internet options. Check the settings on privacy, security and the advanced settings.
Why would you want to use IE anyway? MS puts all those back doors in it so they can spy on you. Not mention viruses and stuff that can get in through the back doors in IE
I had the same problems with IE, I couldn't get anything done, this is why I switched to firefox. MS has something to fix that prob, but if you don't have genuine, forget it.

Why does IE restart when I try to open up torrent? Is it a Vista or IE issue?

It may be a torrent issue, because its illegal, and the government has been shutting peoples computers down that try and downlaod stuff.

that could be it.

I use IE 7. When I open up a new window why does IE give me a warning that it has encountered a prob

... and needs to shut down? It is driving me nuts! What setting do I need to change? Please help.

I use IE 7. When I open up a new window why does IE give me a warning that it has encountered a problem...?opera browser

You need to uninstall IE 7 and stick with IE6 or Mozilla Firefox in my humble opinion. Way too many bugs in 7.

Downloaded newest ie and now when I close out a web site/page ie closes out completely.?

I use the red x in the top right and I have even tried the back arrow until I can't go back and then x out and it still does the same thing.

Downloaded newest ie and now when I close out a web site/page ie closes out completely.?windows movie maker

its Yahoo toolbar beta if you are using it. that's causing the problem. I had the same problem till I removed it then installed the older version. of course the new IE isn't the best browser to be using because it has a lot of loop holes in it still.

Downloaded newest ie and now when I close out a web site/page ie closes out completely.?microsoft project internet explorer

Look, you have tabs in the browser. Each tab is a different web site. So when you click the x in the top corner, you close all the tabs. Anyway, IE7 has a lot of malfunctions and bugs in it so it acts bad. I have told many people about this.
Wellll, we have IE7, also. If you only have one tab open and you click the redX (upper far right), then the browser closes because there is no longer a connection with any website. However, if you have 2 or more tabs open, then when you click the redX, you should get a message asking if you want to close out everything or if you want to be able to reopen everything right where you left off next time you open IE7. If you just want to close out one of the tabs, then click on the X on the tab.

We just played around with it, clicked on all the buttons and arrows until we got the hang of it. We also discovered you can change some of the tab settings (Tools, Internet Options, General tab, Settings for Tabs). You can even have multiple homepages open all at once! You can get your Main menu back by clicking on Tools, Menu Bar. Also, you'll find your favorites by clicking the yellow star to the far left of your screen.

I downloaded IE 7 Can you tell me how I can get back IE 6 With service packs 1 &2?

Try Downloading It From The Microsoft Website Yet?

I downloaded IE 7 Can you tell me how I can get back IE 6 With service packs 1 %26amp;2?windows media player 11

go to system tools and do a system restore to before installing ie7.

I removed IE 7.0 from computer, how do I get Yahoo back as my main browser with IE 6.0?

Hubby's idiot friend convinced him to let him put IE7.0 on, he also REMOVED all the old Yahoo browser settings, now I have to go to MSN to get to Yahoo, and I still don't have my original home page with the YAHOO features, I have to sign out and sign in to go from email to email, it's making me NUTS here, how do I get Yahoo Browser back the way it was?!?

I removed IE 7.0 from computer, how do I get Yahoo back as my main browser with IE 6.0?microsoft excel

Type 'YAHOO.COM' in the address bar manually and press enter...Once there click on tools then on internet options and select 'use current' ...apply and you are done...

I removed IE 7.0 from computer, how do I get Yahoo back as my main browser with IE 6.0?microsoft updates internet explorer

Yahoo is a site and not a browser. You want yahoo as your home page. do the following.

Open IE 6.0, go to the Tools menu, Internet Options submenu. A pop up will open. Select the General tab. Under the header Home page type in the following. Click on OK and restart IE 6.0 again.
start control panel internet options and adjust home page.
I was going to have to say I have no idea but it looks like you already got a lot to work with. I got the "Yahoo! Browser" with my ISP which is AT%26amp;T Yahoo.

When you get it re-setup though can I suggest going to and getting Mozilla instead? As a browser I like it much better. All so has some great add-ons and toolbars you can hide if not using.

I installed IE 7.0. Now every time I go to IE, it shows the infamous "page cannot be displayed&

Now I cannot browse the web at all.

I installed IE 7.0. Now every time I go to IE, it shows the infamous "page cannot be displayed" error. help!microsoft office 2007

Forget IE7. Leave it where it is.

Get Firefox 2.0 and check out all the add-ons that can make your surfing easier and fun. Add-ons are small (only kB's in size) and easily installed into the browser.

(True, some webpages are best rendered by IE, but if you get the add-on called IE Tabs, you can view in an IE tab without any problem. The add-on can be activated or deactivated whenever you want by clicking an icon in the lower right of your browser.)

I installed IE 7.0. Now every time I go to IE, it shows the infamous "page cannot be displayed" error. help!windows media internet explorer

I suggest unistalling it I had problems with it bad. Would not let me check my e-mails or nothing. Not a good thing
Okay. IE7 fixes previous browser cache problems... sort of, except when you started with a browser cache from IE6 that was too large. When the browser cache becomes too large, you will experience the classic "Page cannot be displayed" error.

Try this:

Go to Tools, Internet Options, on the General Tab under Browsing History, select Settings. Change the "Disk space to use" to 50 (that's 50 MB). Click OK. Now under Browsing History, select Delete... Delete the temporary Internet files and the history. Do not delete the cookies or the passwords.

Most probably, the above will fix your problem.

If it does not, then you will need to consider the possibility of third party software incompatibility problems. The most likely culprit will be a third party firewall product. Some third party firewall products are infamous for continuing to block even after they have been turned off. The solution is to uninstall the product and then reinstall - if you are so inclined to continue to use it.

Just installed IE 7 nowhowdo I get back to IE 6?

o uninstall Internet Explorer 7 to return to Internet Explorer 6 on Windows XP

Click "Start," and then click "Control Panel."

Click "Add or Remove Programs."

Check "Show Updates" at the top of the dialog box.

Scroll down the list and highlight the version of Internet Explorer 7 that you are running, and then click "Change/Remove."

Uninstall that,restart your PC and you are on IE6

Just installed IE 7 nowhowdo I get back to IE 6?windows installer

Going back to IE6 is a bit tough. The default on install for IE7 is to over write IE6. For all-practicable-purposes that means IE6 doesn't exist on your computer any more. You could Google (I don't know why I always say Google鈥擸ahoo has a perfectly good search engine as well) the term "IE6" you'll be surprised at all the places you can get the program.

The problem then may be that you can't have them both residing on your computer at the same time. (I haven't tried this as I have zero interest in Internet Explorer.) Just one way Microsoft makes life鈥攁hem鈥攅asier.

This is a bit of a bind. But, assuming that you really don't want to be hassled right now, just do your download of IE6. Then you can safely Uninstall IE7, and re-install IE6. I would expect that Microsoft has a number of nasty surprises awaiting those who don't want the hassle of IE7 after they downloaded and installed it.

Fear not I have an alternative suggestion. Get Firefox 2.0 instead. It is Open Source鈥攆ree. For the 200,000,000 people who have downloaded Firefox there are so few gripes that none has ever registered on my desk top. And, once you learn how to use it, you will never wait for five years for an update for you to learn all over. The program has "micro-updates avery few days to weeks. They politely wait for you to agree to install them鈥擮h, and they work!

These things are all true because the improvements and changes come one at a time, as they are available from thousands of people who are working on the browser in their spare time.

Well, you might ask, just who oversees the quality of all of these people? Mozilla Foundation is a non-profit corporation that keeps everyone headed in the same general direction and makes decisions among the very dedicated volunteers.

The result Firefox 2.0 for browsing, Thunderbird for email, Sunbird beta Calendar.

I run IE 7 and tried to install Yahoo toolbar. I get a message that I need to have at least IE 5 or

Hi -

You can actually download the IE7 optimized for Yahoo by going here: It already has Y! Toolbar.

I run IE 7 and tried to install Yahoo toolbar. I get a message that I need to have at least IE 5 or 6!!?safari browser

go to yahoo tool bar web page and down load the tool bar for IE-7

I downloaded IE 7.0 Yahoo and do not like it. How do I change back to my IE 6.0?

Go to Control Panel %26gt; Add/Remove software. Scroll down to Windows Internet Explorer 7 and Click on Remove.

Upgrade to IE 7 or stick with IE 6 ??? Thanks for any advice:)?

i so called upgraded 2 7 i wish id stayed with 6

Upgrade to IE 7 or stick with IE 6 ??? Thanks for any advice:)?windows mobile 6

I followed the recommendations of the majority and switched to Firefox.It is really goooood!!! Thanks everyone:) Report It

Upgrade to IE 7 or stick with IE 6 ??? Thanks for any advice:)?microsoft office 2003 internet explorer

upgrade...more security..

but ild advice getting firefox..

faster, more secure
To tell the truth the Only reason to upgrade to IE7 is because of it can show transparent PNG's, Though Firefox and Opera does that aswell, IE7 is a bit more sluggy, I would just reccomend Firefox or Opera.
I prefer IE6 even though IE7 is more secure. I'm not a fan of tabbed browsers.

Unfortunately Vista users haven't a choice. They can't retrograde to IE6 and are stuck with IE7.
dont upgrade, IE7 has caused me more problems in a week than in the year ive had the computer, don't bother upgrading just switch to firefox, there's more security and no popups (which is always a good thing :P)
If you wish to stick with IE, then I would suggest you to upgrade to IE7, is more secure and features are quite similar to Firefox.

I have IE 7 installed but don't see insert photos button. I get a message saying I need IE 5.5

Its B.S., Photomail has been having alot of problems lately and alot of people are having the same problem as you. Even so, they are going to drop photomail when they drop yahoo photos....

I downloaded IE 7 and it doesn't work with my version of Yahoo. Is it possible to go back to IE

People don't have a version of Yahoo!. Yahoo! is owned by a certain organization and is the same for all users because it is on the internet. Perhaps you meant that IE 7 is not compatible with your version of Windows. That's probably not the case. Try uninstalling IE 7 and reinstalling it again. Maybe your file is corrupted, so you may want to download IE 7 again to see if that is the case. If it doesn't work, you can revert back to IE 6 by uninstalling IE 7 and reinstalling IE 6 (you need to download the file first).

I downloaded IE 7 and it doesn't work with my version of Yahoo. Is it possible to go back to IE 6?windows updates


I downloaded IE 7 and it doesn't work with my version of Yahoo. Is it possible to go back to IE 6?replacement windows internet explorer

Do you have system restore on your pc? If so, it may be possible to go back to before the install of IE 7. I am not real computer savvy, but have had to use this option before myself. Good luck!
Yes, but first you must download and save the IE6 and then delete the IE7 from add remove programs and then reinstall IE6. I prefer fire fox as it has the same advantages as IE7 but is much better and allows the Yahoo! and Google toolbars as well as the tab features.
I would agree with the previous answer... you should perhaps use FireFox as it is safer, faster... plus it has lots of plug-ins for you to improve your web-surfing experience.
Hi there

Go to control panel, add remove programs, there must be a rollback oprion before IE7. use it and you are on IE6 again.

Otherwise, system restor your pc to a little earlier date.

If none of the two works, then download and install Mozilla firefox and set it as your default browser.

But it would be better if you troubleshoot your messenger to get it working with IE7.


The Yahoo Toolbar works with IE7 just fine. I agree that if you are having problems with it, it's because IE7 is corrupt. I downloaded IE7 and had all kind of problems. I was getting all kinds of error messages about files missing, and just about everything else not working properly.

Like all good IE users I cussed MS and IE7, all the engineers involved in the design, their families and their families families.

I went back to IE6 and still had tons of problems. So I cussed some more.

So I tried Firefox and when it didn't work, I cussed even more. I think by now I was blaming God for my problems.

So then I tried Opera, I just knew it would work OK. It said to be the best Browser available. Well, I did a lot more cussi'n.

Then I had an epiphany!!!!!! Maybe, just maybe, it wasn't the Browsers at fault but, my Windows XP! DUH!

So I did a Backup of my data files and took the Dive. The dive into a reformat. Not the Destructive Recovery but a reformat from the Recovery Disks I made when the computer was new.

Well, no more cussi'n. Everything works great. IE7 has a few minor problems but I can work around those. I use it with the Yahoo Toolbar.

If you are having a lot of problems, I would do the reformat and get back to IE 6 that way. Then download the Yahoo Toolbar. Then try IE7 again. Just download IE7 and it will remove IE6 but transfer the Yahoo Toolbar to IE7 without the tabs. Since IE7 has tabs, you don't need Yahoo to bave tabs.

Good Luck. Quit cussi'n IE 7. The problem is in your computer.

Currently have IE installed provided by Yahoo!, how do I obtain the generic version of IE w/o Yahoo!

First you need to click the link below and it will show you how to remove the branded version of Internet Explorer. If you just uninstall Internet Explorer optimized for Yahoo! and install the version from Microsoft, it will still have the Yahoo! branding.

How to remove branding in Internet Explorer 7

Reset Internet Explorer Settings

Go here and download Internet Explorer from Microsoft.

Currently have IE installed provided by Yahoo!, how do I obtain the generic version of IE w/o Yahoo!?microsoft money WILL ALLOW YOU TO DOWNLOAD INTERNET EXPLORER 7 WITHOUT YAHOO ..ALSO GO TO

Currently have IE installed provided by Yahoo!, how do I obtain the generic version of IE w/o Yahoo!?windows explorer internet explorer

I would recommend using Firefox instead of IE. It's far less buggy and less prone to viruses also. It has lots of really nifty extensions, too, is skinnable and oh, tons of nifty stuff.

You can get it for free at
Dump the IE7 it will slow down your computer and drag files out, It expanded one of my files from two pages to 37 pages, Try reclaiming that.
Go to your contol panel,click on add remove program,check and see if IE installed with yahoo tool bar seperate (as a seperate program listed in add remove for tool bar).You can then click on uninstall one or both as needed.Before uninstalling IE go to Microsoft home and suppot and download a clean new version and upgrade to IE7 without add on tool bars.Just recently downloaded IE7 with no problems,working great.

Also have Fire Fox browser downloaded with out any add on tool bars such as Google or Yahoo.Did this to be able to check display of my web site on different browsers.The only thing I do not like on Fire Fox is E-mail setup.
Ok - big question #1 is....

You used to have SBC or AT%26amp;T Yahoo as an ISP huh?

And Question #2 would be - is the browser working right?

Reason I said that is because they have the IE software shell on the disk. Not the IE software.

It functions almost the same as IE - BUT...It basically works like this: The browser itself uses IE functionality but is not IE per se. (confusing I know)

Basically though,

if it has the rocketship down in the startup menu (by the clock in right lower corner of your screen) when you launch's the SBCYahooDSL or AT%26amp;T Yahoo/Dial browser. There's a specific order you need to uninstall the SBC or AT%26amp;T software in if you'd like to get rid of the SBC or AT%26amp;T Yahoo browser.

If it is ONLY IE and it says Internet Explorer at the top it should not say powered by Yahoo on it.

My suggestion would be to uninstall the SBC software (if you are not using it anymore) and go with plain ol IE or firefox or even Netscape.

I'm gonna provide a link to get help on uninstalling SBC or AT%26amp;T software.

Hope this helps.

When downloaded skype, IE can not lauch and prompt error IE.exe have some err?

I am using win 2000, IE6, once I remove skype, it back to normal?

When downloaded skype, IE can not lauch and prompt error IE.exe have some err?microsoft windows

( ram)Memory problem.

Download Advanced Windows care v2 personal


Use memory cleaner ( see under Tools)

Run other options too.

From start list uncheck as many programs you can except

Skype, AV Firewall programs.

When downloaded skype, IE can not lauch and prompt error IE.exe have some err?windows media player 10 internet explorersoryy same pc with no problem Report It

If u hav IE 7, how do u switch bakk 2 IE 6?

i likd it beter

If u hav IE 7, how do u switch bakk 2 IE 6?microsoft project

Go to...

Start%26gt;Control Panel%26gt;Add or Remove Programs...

Check the "Show Updates" box at the top of the screen and scroll down to "Windows XP - Software Updates."

It will be one of the last ones listed... select it and click the Remove button.

If u hav IE 7, how do u switch bakk 2 IE 6?microsoft powerpoint internet explorer

The best way to fix this is to click on start, go to settings, then to control panel.

In control panel click on "Add or Remove Programs". Choose IE 7.

What will happen is you will follow the prompts to remove the program, which will then set your machine back to IE6, assuming you had that previously.

I strongly urge you to give FIrefox a chance as a browser.

You will be happy with the product and its enhanced security.
Why would you want to????
read here and follow the directions:
press start click on comtrol panel click on add%26amp;remove programs scroll down%26amp;findinternet explorer 7 click on remove wnen removal complete rrestart internet explorer will return

Once i right click on my IE, my IE always error encounter, have to close down IE.?

Can anyone help me to solve my problem?

Once i right click on my IE, my IE always error encounter, have to close down IE.?microsoft publisher

use checkdisk to see if there are any errors at your computer.

Go to My Computer %26gt;%26gt; use the right click at the C: and then select the tools tab run scandisk with the full options checked so it can look for errors and correct them automaticaly. You may also run a full scan of your antivirus program.

I was using IE 7 but experienced problems so I switched to IE 6 but now I can't use my yahoo be

How can i use beta again? I always have to return to classic now or i get the send error page and it closes my yahoo before I am able to raed any mail at all!!

I was using IE 7 but experienced problems so I switched to IE 6 but now I can't use my yahoo beta more. help!microsoft updates

Sounds like perhaps the beta version of Yahoo! is not compatible with IE6.

You could always go back to classic, or try to dl IE7 again.

Make sure to delete any previous version of IE7 before downloading it again.

How to configure IE to open Office documents in MS Office instead of in IE?

Using Windows XP and Office 2003. (Info on Microsoft's support website is for older Office and does not work.)

How to configure IE to open Office documents in MS Office instead of in IE?windows media

Visit the link you can solve this problem easily.

I am using IE 7 on my laptop.I want to go back for IE 6.How to get?

I installed NX3 on my laptop it was working nicely when IE6 was there.Then I upgrade to IE7, the NX3 can not run.Is there any solution for this?

I am using IE 7 on my laptop.I want to go back for IE 6.How to get?microsoft vista

I have two ideas for you :

1.go to control panel %26gt; add or remove programs %26gt; search for IE7 and click remove , you will find your IE 6 is back .

2. go to

download the open source free browser " firefox " and try to run NX3 on firefox which is more stable, safer and faster than IE,

BTW you can have both IE and firefox on the same computer, I have both and use them according to my needs.

I am using IE 7 on my laptop.I want to go back for IE 6.How to get?windows xp pro internet explorer

u will need to uninstall the E7 and go to microsoft page and get the E6..
YES... go to start%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;control panel%26gt;%26gt; add/remove programs and scroll down till you see the IE7 entry. Click on that and it will ask if you want to roll back to the previous version.

I have both IE and yahoo browsers and can delete history under IE and want to know how to delete und

There are other ways, but the directions will be different depending on which browser you're using. This works no matter which browser you are using. If you want to clear the searches from the search box menu on Yahoo or Google pages, double click the search box, this will make a menu drop down with your searches, put your cursor on what you want to delete to highlight it, hit the delete button on your keyboard. If you want to delete everything just hold the delete button down until everything is deleted.

If you want to clear the search history and disable the feature entirely so none of your searches are saved, do the following:

Internet Explorer 6

To clear the search box history on Yahoo! and Google pages %26gt; on Internet Explorer toolbar click Tools %26gt; Internet Options %26gt; Content tab %26gt; under Personal information, click the AutoComplete box, on the AutoComplete Settings window click the Clear Forms box to delete your current history, or you can uncheck the Forms box to permanently stop the generation of the search history, click OK.

Internet Explorer 7

To clear the search box history on Yahoo! and Google pages %26gt; on Internet Explorer 7 toolbar click Tools %26gt; Delete Browsing History %26gt; Delete history and Delete forms.

On Internet Explorer 7, to stop the generation of the search box history on Yahoo! and Google pages,click Tools %26gt; Internet Options %26gt; Content tab %26gt; under AutoComplete, click Settings and uncheck the Forms box %26gt; click OK.

To clear the searches on Yahoo Toolbar:

If you have the the new Yahoo! Toolbar, click the Settings (avatar) button located next to the Bookmarks Button and click Clear Recent Searches. To stop saving search history, click the Settings button and un-check Remember Remember Recent Searches, or click Toolbar Options and un-check Auto-clear recent searches when exiting IE.

If you have the older Yahoo! Toolbar, click the pencil icon beside the search box and click Clear Recent Searches.

I have both IE and yahoo browsers and can delete history under IE and want to know how to delete under yahoo?ds browser

It is a feature of IE only.

I just install IE 7, I use IE 7 to download yahoo toolbar, but yahoo toolbar don't show on my s


I just install IE 7, I use IE 7 to download yahoo toolbar, but yahoo toolbar don't show on my screen, any hewindows media center

Right click on open spot of tool bar check yahoo tool bar

I am using IE-7. after i upgraded to IE-7 I am not able to login to yahoo mailbox. please help?

after entering the password and id it will take to a page "Processing" and then it will reload the login page again. after two to three attemps it will login to "my yahoo" page. but then also if clicked on the "mail" button, it will lead to the login page again. please help me.

I am using IE-7. after i upgraded to IE-7 I am not able to login to yahoo mailbox. please help?microsoft office 2003




In Internet explorer at top of window select tools

then internet options

then choose delete temporary files, cookies ,browser history etc

- then another box will open - select delete all

-Then close explorer then open again .At first pages will be slow once

and then will load fast after it loads 1 time.Also email etc you will have to sign in 1 time with password etc.

This will create new cookies.

then also go to start at bottom of on task bar.

click start 1 time then select find or search depending on your operating system.

Select all files and folders - then type in defrag and click search.When icons come up double click

and new box will come up - select analyze then you will see how fragmented you are -

then choose defrag.You can put this program on your desk top by right clicking on the icon you found in search for defrag.

Right click choose create short cut.This will put a short cut on your desk top.Then you can use as needed in future.

then go start on blue bar (task bar)

choose search or find

then choose all files and folders

then type in disk clean up

when you see this icon

double click

choose c drive

let it run

then click ok

so you dont have to do this again

go back to same icon

right click

choose create short cut on desk top

close all windows

a new icon will be on your desk top

then you can run it when you want to

I am using IE-7. after i upgraded to IE-7 I am not able to login to yahoo mailbox. please help?windows xp professional internet explorer

This is because your Firewall settings are high and also clear cookies.

Goto Tools--%26gt;Internet options-%26gt; In General tab click on Delete Cookies button.

Goto Privacy tab --%26gt;reduce the slider to Accept all cookies.

Sometimes Firewall is the reason , do not disable firewall but reduce the security settings this will sort this out. :)

How do I get rid of IE 7 and reinstall IE 6? I can't seem to find anywhere to download IE 6 any

DO it from system always work.

How do I get rid of IE 7 and reinstall IE 6? I can't seem to find anywhere to download IE 6 anymore.?microsoft works

To uninstall Internet Explorer 7 to return to Internet Explorer 6 on Windows XP

Click "Start," and then click "Control Panel."

Click "Add or Remove Programs."

Check "Show Updates" at the top of the dialog box.

Scroll down the list and highlight the version of Internet Explorer 7 that you are running, and then click "Change/Remove."

Uninstall that,restart your PC and you are on IE6

How do I get rid of IE 7 and reinstall IE 6? I can't seem to find anywhere to download IE 6 anymore.?windows mobile internet explorer

When you uninstall IE7, IE6 is restored.

Control Panel%26gt;Add/remove programs

make sure Show Updates is checked at the top

pick Windows Internet Explorer 7 from the list

cilck remove
Stop using IE,.. just use FireFox,..

Uninstall IE 7. IE six should still be there unless you uninstalled it.

Perhaps you could try Mozilla Firefox 2.0. Far superior to IE 7 in every way.
Simple select a WinXP system restore date the date before the switch. This will uninstall the WE7 and restore the MSE6.0

To run the system restore wizard (assuming that you are opperating WinXP) do the following

1. Press the Start button

2. Select Search

3. Search for system restore wizard

4. Chose to run the system restore wizard

5. Chose one day before you accepted the WE7 update

I upgraded to IE 7 and now I don't have the standard IE header such as File, etc. How can I get

well this is the magical world of IE7 ( lol )

the back %26amp; next is on the left hand top the two arrows.

the refresh %26amp; stop button are on the right side of the address bar on top. To enable the menubar you'll have to right click on the blank space of tool bar %26amp; go to view option %26amp; check it.

Click on the link below it'll help you with the screenshots :

I upgraded to IE 7 and now I don't have the standard IE header such as File, etc. How can I get it back?replacement windows

download the older version from

I upgraded to IE 7 and now I don't have the standard IE header such as File, etc. How can I get it back?windows mail internet explorer

change back to IE6 as the 7 is known to still have a lot of flaws
This menu is still there, it's just not as obvious. I think it is a little drop down arrow somewhere.
Go to tool in the tools bar , go down to menu bar put a check on . that's all to it.
hello friend

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Have a nice day

Right Click Any Empty Space on the Toolbar - Left Click Menu Bar


Click the Tool Gear on the Right side of the Toolbar and Click Menu Bar there.
Simply hit the ALT key ... ;)

On a sidenote ... the ALT key has been the hotkey to focus on the menu bar in all windows applications compliant to Microsoft's design whitepapers for years. Just give it a try in ... errm, for instance Firefox, or Word.

Cheers :)
press F11

Just installed YAHOO IE 7 and I HATE IT I want to delete it and get IE 7 by MS?

I can't see file/view/tools ect. I can't even enter a URL anywhere

Just installed YAHOO IE 7 and I HATE IT I want to delete it and get IE 7 by MS?windows explorer

You might want to try a system recovery, but then you will have to reinstall most of your software drivers, but it will take you back towhat you had before and go from there.

Just installed YAHOO IE 7 and I HATE IT I want to delete it and get IE 7 by MS?microsoft zune internet explorer

whats this
use mozilla firefox
go into ur control panel and delete it then go to and install the one u like.r u sure its yahoo?mine is microsoft. u might look under microsoft internet explorer,i didnt like 7 either...and my provider doesnt either!!!!if u have trouble with it ,u might call ur provider to help u.
Try right clicking, on an empty area of the toolbar, and see if menu bar is there. If it is, click on it, and that will restore your file- view- favorites- tools etc..If you do not have that, then click this link to get the yahoo toolbar..good luck%26gt;%26gt;

Firefox works but IE doesn't? I have installed IE 7 and clicked automatically detect lan settin

My internet explorer and other programs (yahoo messenger, line 6 monkey) haven't worked for sometime despite me downloading updated versions. My firefox works fine, but any other program that requires an internet connection doesn't. Anyone have any ideas what the problem is?

Firefox works but IE doesn't? I have installed IE 7 and clicked automatically detect lan settings? media player 10

Hmmmm.... Interesting question.

I am pretty sure running the "winsock XP fix" should solve this issue. I think firefox is able to bypass the Socket problems that is causing an issue with your other programs.

Firefox works but IE doesn't? I have installed IE 7 and clicked automatically detect lan settings? net internet explorer

Do you have some sort of firewall program installed on your computer? It sounds as though something is blocking certain programs. If you do try disabling it temporarily to see if the problem continues.
open your intenet explorer and check whether it is checked work offline if it is then just turn it on and should be fine everything and also check the firewall rules of your router and windows or antivirus firewall and internet security option of windows. Good luck solving your problem.

When I remove IE 7 will IE 6 automaticly be there?

I think the answer is, yes, because I haven't removed it or deleted it in any way, but just need to hear it from someone else. Still a little nervous about some of these things. Thanks for your help. GranEEKandoooo

When I remove IE 7 will IE 6 automaticly be there?microsoft powerpoint

Not to worry. Why do you want to uninstall IE7? I'm no expert and so far am not having a problem with it. Just carefully review all the buttons and options. Things were just moved around a bit.

Return to Internet Explorer 6 from IE7

To uninstall Internet Explorer 7 to return to Internet Explorer 6 on Windows XP

Click "Start," and then click "Control Panel."

Click "Add or Remove Programs."

Check "Show Updates" at the top of the dialog box.

Scroll down the list and highlight the version of Internet Explorer 7 that you are running, and then click "Change/Remove."

Uninstall that,restart your PC and you are on IE6

How do I... Uninstall Microsoft Internet Explorer 7?

by Mark Kaelin | More from Mark Kaelin | 11/16/06

Uninstall IE7

If your installation of IE7 was successful and uneventful, then uninstalling it is relatively simple process. The following steps will uninstall IE7 and restore IE 6.

1.Click Start, and then click Control Panel.

2.Click Add or Remove Programs.

3.Scroll down to Windows Internet Explorer 7, click it, and then click Change/Remove.

If for some reason Windows Internet Explorer 7 does not appear in the Add or Remove Programs you should:

1.Open Windows Explorer

2.Click Tools | Folder Options

3.Click the View tab

4.Make sure the radio button next to Show hidden files and folders is on

5.Click OK

6.Click Start, and then click Run

7.Type: %windir%\ie7\spuninst\spuninst.exe into the text box and click Enter

To uninstall Internet Explorer 7 and restore Internet Explorer 6 when using Windows XP or Windows Server 2003

1.Click Start, and then click Control Panel.

2.Click Add or Remove Programs.

3.Scroll down to Windows Internet Explorer 7, click it, and then click Change/Remove.

If you cannot find Internet Explorer 7 in Add or Remove Programs, click Start, click Run, type %windir%\ie7\spuninst\spuninst.exe, and then press ENTER.

Note: %windir% is the location of your Windows directory, which can usually be found at C:\Windows. To do this, you need to have "view hidden folders" enabled.

If you find yourself still needing help uninstalling Internet Explorer 7, check out the IE7 release notes found on the Microsoft MSDN Web site.

When I remove IE 7 will IE 6 automaticly be there?windows xp sp2 internet explorerSecond option helped...didn't get the Add/Remove option back but it did somehow repair IE. Report It

No it won't, you must go to the microsoft website, get an IE6 installer, and then uninstall IE7. Why do you want IE6 instead of IE7 though? IE7 is much more secure. I use Firefox, which in my opinion, is better than both.
You can't go backwards from IE 7, there is no option to do that, sorry. If you don't like it I recommend going to Firefox, it looks more like IE 6, runs great and fast, and is generally a good browser.
no it not gonn be there you upgrade the software its mean you have been remove that if you want to go back use the system restore
The Humble One is RIGHT!! you can uninstall 7, and when it does, it will go back to 6. I have done this also and it works.
First uninstall IE7

It might give you an option to go back

If IE6 didn't work, run IE6 installer

I am using ie 7 & i want to make java script enable but do not find the option in the ie 7?

They call it "ActiveScripting", see for details.

I am using ie 7 %26amp; i want to make java script enable but do not find the option in the ie 7?microsoft live

Tools %26gt; Internet Option %26gt; Security tab %26gt; Custom level button

There is an Scripting section. One of the option is "Active Script". To enable/disable this option can turn ON/OFF for javascript running on your browser.

By default security setting, Java Script should be enabled already if no one has set this to OFF. You may want to use the "Trusted Site" option to input a site you trusted and give a lower security level to that particular website.

I am using ie 7 %26amp; i want to make java script enable but do not find the option in the ie 7?microsoft internet explorer internet explorer

To enable Java you have to download it first.


Can I keep IE from changing the site icons on my favorites list back to the IE icon?

If you are using IE version 6 than I believe that it didn't support favorite icons. However IE 7 Beta 2 fully supports favorite icons and works pretty well for a Beta release. You can find the beta at Microsoft's website for download.

After I downloaded IE v7, the IE options at the top of the screen are not available. How do I restor

You can restore them by right clicking a white space and selecting the menu bar option.

I don't recommend doing that though because it looks a lot cooler. All the options are available with a button now to make it easier to get to rather than going through neverending menus.

But feel free to add it if you want to.

Hope this helps you.

After I downloaded IE v7, the IE options at the top of the screen are not available. How do I restore them?microsoft exchange

You don't. One of the changes in IE7 is the lack of the old-fashioned menu bar at the top.

After I downloaded IE v7, the IE options at the top of the screen are not available. How do I restore them?windows vista ultimate internet explorer

the options are still there look to the right of the screen you should see option and it will open a drop down box
ie 7 doen't have then in the same place. they are scattered out all over the tool bar. just click everything you see tyill you find them
And the new way lists them weird, too. Go under View...

You'll have to tell it to show what toolbars you want.
Right-click at the top and there should be a list of toolbars you can add, I'm not sure which it would be, but probably one of them.
Oh a easy one. Just download the below tweak.

Evertime I use IE I get this message,IE has encountered a problem and needs to close. Is there a way

I mostly use mozilla firefox,but I have to use Internet Explorer to log onto sbcyahoo, then this internet explorer box pops up every time with this same message, has encountered a problem,and I can tell Microsoft or not about this error report.not getting any solutions

Evertime I use IE I get this message,IE has encountered a problem and needs to close. Is there a way to fix itwindows xp pro

This Message is Often seen with Win 2000.

Update ur win 2000 with SP -4, this should probably fix it.

Same with XP, Update with SP2. Although its hardly seen with win xp.

Evertime I use IE I get this message,IE has encountered a problem and needs to close. Is there a way to fix itmicrosoft net framework internet explorer

Instead of going to internet explorer use your mozilla firefox browser to download sbc browser. Go to and search on how to download sbcyahoo dsl browser.
Go to windows update site and update/re-install internet explorer. you may find that it solves your problem

Your Browser.. Firefox.. IE 6 or IE 7 or Other ? .. pick one ?

Opera 9

- Most Secure

- Fastest page loading wise

- Built in Ad blocker (Content blocker)

- Mouse Gestures

- Auto Saves sessions, so you can carry on working, next day, without bookmarking all pages

- Huge Skins (Themes) selection

- Least memory usage even with a large feature set

Your Browser.. Firefox.. IE 6 or IE 7 or Other ? .. pick one ?microsoft templates


Your Browser.. Firefox.. IE 6 or IE 7 or Other ? .. pick one ?windows firewall internet explorer

Firefox, hands down.
Firefox. Would not tough IE with a ten foot pole. I would deleted IE from the computer if it didn't break other things to do so.
Firefox all the way!!

Why won't IE 7.0 download the Adobe flash player? IE is useless without it?

Well the basic things to check would be, as stated in the Adobe Flash Player website in

1. If you have administrator access (ie. if you are an Administrator account), you can check that in Control Panel %26gt; User Accounts.

2. Another thing that might happen (and happened to me when I tried to install it is a yellow bar appears on top of webpage, saying "This website wants to install the following add-on 'Adobe Flash Player' ...If you trust the website and the add-on and want to install it, click here...". You guessed it, I pressed click here.

3. When you clicked it (if that appears), an Internet Explorer - Security Warning will appear. Just press Install.

4. If everything goes well, you should have successfully installed Adobe Flash Player!

If that doesn't work, you might want to be specific on why you cannot install the Adobe Flash Player, e.g. what step were you on, what happened, etc.


Why won't IE 7.0 download the Adobe flash player? IE is useless without it?nintendo ds browser

I have it running, i installed it no problem. TRY GOING TO THE ADOBE WEBSITE ADOBE.COM, AND THEN ACROSS THE TOP THERE'S SUBJECTS, EACH HAVING DROP DOWN SUBJECTS AS WELL. YOU'LL SEE DOWNLOADS, AND CLICK ON THAT. THEN YOU SHOULD HAVE NO PROBLEM LOADING THE FLASH PLAYER ON YOUR COMPUTER. here, ill try to get you the lonk, this should bring you right there.. copy and paste this in you browser youll be right there, check it...GET THE NEWEST VERSION ALSO, ITS GREAT!! YOULL SEE WHEN YOURE THERE..

Why won't IE 7.0 download the Adobe flash player? IE is useless without it?windows 98 internet explorer

I have just had this problem. When I checked on what was installed on my computer the Adobe Flash Player was not showing as I know you have to uninstall it first to update to a newer flash before you can reinstall one. Still couldnt install it and tried many times so out of curiosity I checked in Ccleaner (free download)

and clicked on tools which shows you what is installed on your computer and it WAS there, so what I would do is go into the official Adobe site where it tells you to uninstall Adobe Flashplayer here and try this (you have nothing to lose) as this is what I did and was able to download it straightaway! Hope this helps.

If I uninstall IE 7.0 due to issues will I still have IE 6.0 or have to download first before uninst

IE 6 is still on your computer.

If I uninstall IE 7.0 due to issues will I still have IE 6.0 or have to download first before uninstalling 7.0windows xp professional

More like you probably don't know what you are doing. Report It

If I uninstall IE 7.0 due to issues will I still have IE 6.0 or have to download first before uninstalling 7.0windows xp home internet explorer

If you uninstall IE 7.0, then you will have to reinstall IE if you want it back, it doesn't matter what version. But once IE is uninstalled, it is gone until you reinstall it.
Well for one, it would have been better not to install version 7.0 in the first place, since it's still in beta mode (meaning there may be bugs within the program) But here what you do, go ahead and save the download, don't run it just save it to your hard drive or to a disk. The go and uninstall 7.0. If IE version is gone, 6.0, go ahead and run the download.
No version of Internet explorer will be left on your computer if u uninstall IE 7.0.
you can't uninstall IE 7.0 beta....... system restore can do though don't worry you'll get back to IE 6 no need to download it.....
In the past if you upgraded to a newer version of IE, the old version is replaced and gone forever. I like the suggestion to download IE 6 and save it before deleting IE 7. If you delete 7 and 6 is still there, great! But if 6 is also gone, you've already got it saved.

Can I use IE 6 with Windows Vista...I really do not like IE 7?

It never loads all the images...and when I click on load pic or won't do anything. Ive tried downloading and installing Firefox..but it keeps erroring Im assuming that doesnt work with Windows Vista. Can anyone give me some pointers? Im really frustrated.

Can I use IE 6 with Windows Vista...I really do not like IE 7?windows mobile

Below are the instructions to return to IE6. However, you might want to give IE7 a chance first. It isn't so bad when you get used to the new locations of things. With all due respect, with working on a PC for sometime, I have found all problems to be with something I have done.

Return to Internet Explorer 6 from IE7

To uninstall Internet Explorer 7 to return to Internet Explorer 6 on Windows XP

Click "Start," and then click "Control Panel."

Click "Add or Remove Programs."

Check "Show Updates" at the top of the dialog box.

Scroll down the list and highlight the version of Internet Explorer 7 that you are running, and then click "Change/Remove."

Uninstall that,restart your PC and you are on IE6

I have removed ie 7 from my computer but ie still opens pages at random. Does anyone know why?

I use firefox now as my browser now and it never does this. Please give me any help you can.

I have removed ie 7 from my computer but ie still opens pages at random. Does anyone know why?windows mail

I'm not sure what you mean by opens pages at random? do you mean the tabs will open on there own? or does the actual IE open up on its own when your not even using the internet? If so it sounds like a problem with IE you could still be running IE in the background or on your computer. Try going into Control Panel and Removing it from there? And if its the tabs problem than go into Tools than Options and Check what pages you have loading up when you turn on IE. Don't know if this helps at all haha.

If I download IE 7 will it overwtite IE 6?

Yes it will. However, if you're looking for an improved browser, get Firefox. Far more secure, easy to use, and with it's extensions and plug-ins, highly customizable. IE7 has extensions available, but you have to pay for the good ones, Firefox and all its extensions are free.

If I download IE 7 will it overwtite IE 6?microsoft zune

Simple answer. Yes!

If I download IE 7 will it overwtite IE 6?windows nt internet explorer

dont do that ... ie7 isnt any good from all the problems i hear of ... try firefox or opera instead and theyll leave ie6 intact ..
yes, IE 7 is the new version of internet explorer.. so therefor your internet explorer 6 will go away
Yes, don't uninstall anything just shove in your new disc and let it do it's magic.
I believe so, but I wish I kinda still had version 6. cb
hey man don't use ie 7 because it'll give u many spyware and viruses

use firefox or opera

i personaly use firefox

because more safe browsing and less bugs

also if there are sites that require ie get the ie tab extenison

u could costimize it and do all sorts of stuff with it

take my word for it i 've been using it for 3 years and its great

I just installed IE 7, but every time I close IE 7 down, it comes up with an error message, that Int

The error will not cause any problems. Guess what it is. There is a duplicate file there that has to be renamed. The file has same name as IE6. They didn`t change it when making IE 7.

I just installed IE 7, but every time I close IE 7 down, it comes up with an error message, that Internet explmicrosoft net

re install it....

Tough one! My IE history clears everytime I exit. Checked all normal ie settings, nothing wrong.?

I've installed and uninstalled many security/history cleaner programs just trying different things out. Currently I have no programs like that installed, and changed my entire security package from CA to ZoneALARM. History still clears. Specifically, my drop down menu with sites visited clears at least every time I reboot, and I don't know why. All settings seem to be normal, and days to keep history is on 5. Any suggestions?

Tough one! My IE history clears everytime I exit. Checked all normal ie settings, nothing wrong.?windows xp sp2

Just in case you missed it go to Internet Options%26gt;Content.%26gt;Auto Complete and make sure there are ticks in all boxes for web addresses,and forms,and under the advanced tab make sure there is no tick in "Empty Temporary Internet Files When Browser Is Closed"

If that does not work try repairing the installation of Internet Explorer.

Edit: Also check your temporary files settings and make sure you have enough space allocated for the temporary files.

I've got IE 7 and need IE 6, but After I downloaded it, it said I had to reboot. Exactly how do

Yes, just go to the START button and pick SHUTDOWN. From the option menu, pick RESTART.

In case you have more trouble, here are the instructions. I hope that they work for you.

Uninstalling Internet Explorer 7

To uninstall Internet Explorer 7 and restore Internet Explorer 6 when using Windows XP or Windows Server 2003

1. Click Start, and then click Control Panel.

2. Click Add or Remove Programs.

3. You might have to CHECK the box that says SHOW UPDATES

4. Scroll down to Windows Internet Explorer 7, click it, and then click Change/Remove.

If you cannot find Internet Explorer 7 in Add or Remove Programs, click Start, click Run, type

%windir%\ie7 \spuninst\spuninst.exe,

(I added a space after ie7 so you could see the whole line)

and then press ENTER.

For more information, check this page at the Microsoft website.

If you have further trouble, you might try the RESTORE thing in the System Tools folder and go back a few days before you made this terrible mistake.

Good luck and Happy Computing!

I've got IE 7 and need IE 6, but After I downloaded it, it said I had to reboot. Exactly how do I do that?microsoft internet explorer

? ? just restart your computer ? ?

I've got IE 7 and need IE 6, but After I downloaded it, it said I had to reboot. Exactly how do I do that?microsoft downloads internet explorer

well reboot means restart your computer but i would reccomend downloading mozilla firefox way better more secure
Click on Start%26gt;Log Off%26gt; when your sign in screen comes up%26gt;Turn off Computer%26gt;Restart
Click start%26gt;turn off computer%26gt;restart. And it's done.

I down loaded Google/Mozilla/FireFox And I love it, better than IE any time. Hide any toolbars you don't want to use at the time, you can always bring them back up.

When i open ie and enter a page to go to, the page opens in firefox and not ie. How do i make it sto

fire fox is the default browser.. and Ive run ever virus and spyware scan i can think of.. My only guess is that Norton might be doing it.. but i think thats a long shot, as i have never heard of it doing so in the past.

When i open ie and enter a page to go to, the page opens in firefox and not ie. How do i make it stop?windows xp service

Try setting the default browser to Internet Explorer.

When i open ie and enter a page to go to, the page opens in firefox and not ie. How do i make it stop?microsoft xp internet explorer

uninstall then reinstall IE, it may works

Friday, November 27, 2009

What does an ie mean after a yahooo address? (like

its the Ireland abbreviation on web addresses

What does an ie mean after a yahooo address? (like vista ultimate

It's like .de (for example, for Denmark) but for Ireland I believe

What does an ie mean after a yahooo address? (like browser internet explorer

In Yahoo's case they call it UK %26amp; Ireland.

But the iedr say:

"the Internet "suffix" of .ie advises the entire e-business world that you're doing business in, or from, Ireland

IE Bookmarks?

My bookmarks are not getting saved for some reason. I only have 148 and I know I can save more.I just tryed to bookmark SI's home page and ESPN's home page but it did not work? So I was wanting to know what am I doing wrong?

IE Bookmarks?uninstall internet explorer

Hit refresh after each save. It often takes a minute or two but it usually shows the option box. You can try a restart for the pc if you want.

IE's flash player add-on problem?

I use IE7, and when I want to visit sites that have flash content, it will tell me that I have old version of flash player installed.

then, I will go to and install the latest version of flash player.

it doesn't work!

again I try with different sites

doesn't work again!

I'm also suspecious about javascript, maybe it's turned off.

how can I fix it?

how can I enable or disable javascript?

thank you,

IE's flash player add-on problem?microsoft

I'm afraid the world changed and IE users got burned!

there are new settings to set in IE and the order of recent installs is the problem!


1. remove 100% of all flash programs. then re-install flash, take the defaults!

2. make sure javascript is on! (it probably is already)

3. there are settings in IE for security for scripting. make sure they are lax.

or , the browser that works!

IE's flash player add-on problem?microsoft access internet explorer

What kind of problem are you getting no video and audio?

Need more info.

IE Xxplorer uses 100% cpu?

When I get on to Microsoft Internet Explorer my cpu use's hits 100%, then computer is really slow.Once I get off explorer cpu use goes almost to zero like 4%. Everything is fine till I log on Explorer. Please help me.


IE Xxplorer uses 100% cpu?ireland

Install Process Explorer.

When the CPU utlization is high, invoke process explorerer to find out which process uses most of the CPU resource

Also make sure you scan for viruses and spyware

Free Antivirus

Free Antispyware

IE Xxplorer uses 100% cpu?microsoft outlook internet explorer

you need to uninstall and reinstall IE or maybe download another browser which is better like mozilla/firefox @ that
Are you using IE7? This can happen with the new version. You might consider uninstalling it. It will revert back to IE6. Other than that, I don't have an answer.
I agree it makes my computer very slow as well.
if you have an old cpu, like pentium 3 or amd duron, you need a new one.
i suggest you download mozilla firefox and use it instead of IE

IE putting a border around a background image?

I want a box on my page with text starting on the left side and a background image on the right.

It looks fine in Firefox but in IE6 there's a grey line around the background image. I've tried to get rid of it by playing with "border" tags but I haven't found the right one. Anyone know how to get rid of this?

Any help is much appreciated.

The code:


background: #000 url(pics/bg.png) no-repeat top right;

padding: 5px;


border:1px solid #553;


IE putting a border around a background image?windows vista

Not sure on that code, but in basic html you want border=0

My guess is that border:1 is telling it to put an image border 1 pixel wide.

IE putting a border around a background image?windows defender internet explorer

As the other answerer said, you have to make the border 0.

Make a new img {

border: 0


in the css file and this should do it.

IE Cookies. . .?

My friend is a major computer geek, he is coming to fix my comp, I deleted my cookies and temp files history etc....when cleaning the hard drive for me, I know he is bound to come across the deleted cookies but will I have a question...

Will it just say

Or will it have a cookies for every page on myspace I looked at?

IE Cookies. . .?windows media player

Download this and clean out all your rubbish including cookies.


IE Cookies. . .?windows live messenger internet explorer

Delete cookies by software. I can supply you some of the best cleaning software in the world. They can completely delete the cookies are held in memory and disk space. It increases a protective umbrella for your computer. You can click the website

to find the satisfied software

I wish my solution could help you.

Personal experience

good luck!!

How do i import ie favorites into mozilla? when i installed mozilla it did not transfer my ie favs?


In Firefox click on Bookmarks %26gt; Organize Bookmarks

Then File %26gt; Import %26gt; Microsoft Internet Explorer ...

How do i import ie favorites into mozilla? when i installed mozilla it did not transfer my ie favs?microsoft office

Looks like you may have to reinstall it and this time read your options.


How do i import ie favorites into mozilla? when i installed mozilla it did not transfer my ie favs?opera browser internet explorer

Export from IE

(not needed to shift bookmarks for the same user on same computer)

In IE click on File %26gt; Import/Export

The wizard opens

Click Next

Choose Export Favorites

Select the folder to export, default is Favourites

Click Next

Export to a File or Address

Click on browse and choose Desktop for easy finding

Click Next

Click Finish

The Favories will be saved on your desktop as Bookmark.html

You can copy, email, send this file to another machine to add to firefox browser on another machine elsewhere

Import in Firefox

Bookmarks %26gt; Organize Bookmarks

File %26gt; Import

Import Bookmarks from

Choose Microsoft Internet Explorer, if you are shifting bookmarks on the same machine.

Choose File if you are copying it from Bookmarks.htm file

"IE cannot open the search page" - What could b wrong?

My browser wont work after i swept all the virus in our PC.

I can connect to the internet but can't browse.

What could I do?

advance thanks 4 d help!

"IE cannot open the search page" - What could b wrong?microsoft word

My best advice is to do away with Internet Explorer all together and try the Firefox browser. Not only is it safer and more secure than IE, but it's also faster. I've been using it for a while now and I am very satisfied with it. I wouldn't even dream of going back to IE. Trust me, you won't be disappointed!!

Go to to learn more and download it.

If you decide to give it a try don't forget to read the system requirements at

I hope this helps.

"IE cannot open the search page" - What could b wrong?windows movie maker internet explorer

Well, it depends on what you used to get rid of the viruses. If you used a registry cleaner, you may have gotten rid of important files. Apparently that's what I did, then when I got HughesNet satellite internet hooked up, had problems with IE cannot open the page. Thought that it was some connection settings, fought with it for 3 weeks, then finally got mad and reformatted the computer. Now it works fine. Missing registry files will do it.
Throw out IE and go to Firefox.

I use both IE 6 and Firefox. IE 6 will be there after you uninstall IE7 by going to Control Panel, Add/Remove Programs and delete IE 7.

Good luck.

IE-Why does my links toolbar keep alphabetizing automatically? I don't want them alphabetical!?

The same auto-alphabetizing of my Links toolbar just happened to me this week. It has never done this before, and I have not changed any IE or windows settings. So far, I have not found out why this is happening, but will post back if I learn the cause/fix.

IE-Why does my links toolbar keep alphabetizing automatically? I don't want them alphabetical!?windows live

It's built into Internet Explorer, and you can't change it.

I'd suggest moving away from using Internet Explorer - it's big, slow, insecure and very out of date.

Firefox is sleek, fast, more secure, up to date, and will easily copy your favourites over... on Firefox they're called Bookmarks.

Firefox is also very customizable -

you can make it into your ultimate browser with ad blocking and thousands of other add-ons.

you can also change the way it look like you do with Windows - they're called Themes. From simplistic to silly (like cat themes).

Trust me, you'll love Firefox!

IE-Why does my links toolbar keep alphabetizing automatically? I don't want them alphabetical!?windows media player 11 internet explorer

in addition to those other things, firefox leaks memory and crashes often when dealing with pdf files. In general its a quality browser, but I prefer Opera myself. Its faster and much more stable.

In any case, the previous poster is incorrect. I've never heard of IE automagically alphebetizing the links. Mine are not alphabetized (so its not possible that its built in), nor could I find a setting for such behavior. Perhaps you installed some tool which does this for you?

IE page errors?

I keep having page errors and I can't check my mail and can't upload stuff.

i used Ccleaner but it didn't help

what else could be wrong?

IE page errors?windows update

Have your tried firefox? I have more problems with IE7 than with FireFox2. I use both with regularity.

IE page errors?microsoft excel internet explorer

The browser could be damaged. Re-install - or install a better browser as suggested above. There are more than just Firefox 1.a) which is a pain at start up, sorry to say ;-)

IMHO a better browser is the fastest workaround to the problem. Another is returning to IE 6 plus a shell 1.b). That gives about the same or more functionality as IE 7 with less of the troubles that are often associated with new software.

You could also try a shell with Your IE 7 install or the IE 7 reinstall and see whether that improves the situation.

Interference from the firewall: make sure the browser can pass. If You have trouble with the settings of the firewall?

Use a firewall that is easy to handle e.g. Zone Alarm. Make sure that You do not use two firewalls at the same time = switch off Windows own firewall if You use another.

Additionally to ccleaner You could check whether a Browser Helper Object causes the mess. A program for managing them is explained here 2.) download 3.). Do not allow BHODemon to autostart - it has that option but it is IMHO wasting resources to have many programs running all the time.

thx for reading my post

IE is freezing up. Yahoo apparently has a fix for this. Where do I find it?

didn't know that yahoo has a solution for this. my internet explorer was messing up too.. so try dwn loading firefox for free .. its what i did and no probs. so far :-)

(if by ie. you mean internet explorer of course!!) lol

IE is freezing up. Yahoo apparently has a fix for this. Where do I find it?windows xp

start / all programs / windows updates ..

Ie wxplorer.exe application error What can i do now?

The instruction 0x77f585c0 referenced memory at "0x00000000". The memory could not be "written"

Ie wxplorer.exe application error What can i do now?web browser

Don't worry about IE. This is a windows Explorer error, it may be due, as previously noted to BAD RAM. If you have more than one stick of RAM, swap them out one by one to find the defective stick.

You can also try to repair any missing or damaged WINDOWS Explorer system files by running the System File Checker. It wil scan and replace any damaged or missing files, you will need the original CD or know the path to your installation files on your hard drive.

IF Win95/98 Click START%26gt;RUN and type sfc.exe in the box, hit enter to start system file checker.

IF Win2000/XP, Click START%26gt;RUN and type, sfc.exe /scannow (don't forget the space before the /scannow).

In MOST cases this will fix any issues with corrupted Windows Explorer. If not, I am afraid I'll also opt for the bad ram suggestion, as it is a memory reference error.

Ie wxplorer.exe application error What can i do now?windows installer internet explorer

I'm familiar with iexplore.exe and explorer.exe.

wxplorer.exe sounds like spyware.
Use Firefox
Run anti-virus AND spyware sweepers ASAP.

Where can I go ( ie:URL ) to find out which tires are most energy efficient ( ie: help you get the b

We are looking for tires for a 1989 Fleetwood Caddy. We have it well tuned, well maintained and are getting about 27 MPG/highway ( orginally rated in '89 at abour 17 )

Where can I go ( ie:URL ) to find out which tires are most energy efficient ( ie: help you get the best miles?windows mobile

look for high warranty mileage such as 70,000 miles tire that Michelin,pep boys,and kelly tires offer.

Where can I go ( ie:URL ) to find out which tires are most energy efficient ( ie: help you get the best miles?safari browser internet explorer

most all radial tires are built with energy efficient materials just keep them inflated to the proper air pressure
its in the owner manual , a engineer wrote the book and whats best it is written in the manual stay away from tire shops cause they will sell you anything and make you believe you need them, remember the correct tire size and the correct air pressure is the key to good millage tires will make or break the vehicle
a little hint, tires cant be energy efficient. all you need to do is not put so much foot on the pedal. your tires will last longer. its finding the cheapest NEW tires thats hard. but it usually pays off to buy the more expensive tires.
I would trust Firestone to give you up front answer they never have done my family wrong

Ie 4warding;old yahoo address new yahoo one?

Unless it is set up to do so, old email addresses will not forward to new ones.

IE history problem on Win XP?

I'm able to open my History list, but when I attempt to open any particular day or week, nothing comes up.

I'm was able to open the "Today" file yesterday, but when I went to open the "Friday" file, it was as if it was empty.

I've tried Internet Options, and the Autocomp boxes are ticked. I've also checked to make sure my Empty Temp Internet Files box is unchecked.

This is driving my nuts..

Any ideas out there???

IE history problem on Win XP?microsoft access

If its empty it may have just been removed automatically, this could be due to your history settings not enabling you to keep history for that long of a period.

If you check your History settings in Tools%26gt;Internet Options, check to see how much disk space is allocated to your history/temp files and also for what period, specified in the number of days, is set as the default for history to remain saved in IE.

Hope that helps.

IE history problem on Win XP?windows mobile 6 internet explorer

its a good thing, at least it all not on there,PS think you got a hacker, and they looking up your history hope you ain't been on something you shouldn't be lol

IE or Explorer window doesn't open Maximized?

Some times when the window you open doesn't remember the maximized settings...What to do? Please help !!!

IE or Explorer window doesn't open Maximized?microsoft outlook

Hi there,

-- Close all the windows...

-- Open a new window (Internet or the Windows Explorer)...

-- Maximize the Window...

-- Hold the SHIFT key down...

-- Click on the Red X...

-- Open a New window....It should open Maximized...

This should fix the issue...

Arash Shirali...

IE or Explorer window doesn't open Maximized?windows messenger internet explorer

you can try this, next time max the window, use the red X to get out, should open that way when you reboot.
re you talking about the case when you click on internet explorer icon and it does not open maximized? or you are talking about case when you click on a link somewhere it does not open maximized?

If the problem with links, it can be due to the fact that the website is coded that way to open popup window in specific size. if it is the case when you open IE from the desktop short cut, then some settings changed.

To correct that, go to internet properties%26gt;advanced and reset to default settings on everything. I recommend update to IE7. Since it has tab browsing, your problem should go away.

Hope it helps.

Just as a side note: I highly recommend to abandon IE and get alternate broswer like Opera or firefox. I personally think Opera ( is far better than others. Try it out and check out its security record:

IE-7 WinXP Home SP-2?

I had a problem with my system and had to recover the operating system. I applied SP2 and then tried to launch IE7 and It failed to load with the error 'The procedure entrypoint

InternetGetSecurityInfoByURL could not be located in the dynamic link library WININET.dll''

Duhhhh what can I do to fix the problem?

IE-7 WinXP Home SP-2?windows defender

Looks like the installation went bad; try uninstalling and reinstalling from scratch; this may resolve the issue and repair your installation and setup files.

IE 7 Problems?

I recently downloaded Internet Explorer 7 and I'm now having problems with my pc. Everytime I open the browser, it would open the homepage successfully but when I click search or browse a different page, the browser would automatically shut off and I would get the following error message : "Internet Explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience." I also get a lot of popups. Are there any good software I can get that would get rid of them?

IE 7 Problems?windows live messenger

I used to have this proplem on my parents old comp when I put IE 6 on it. Apparently the files to make it load properly were missing and for some reason I could not redownload them.

You may need to do ao roll back.

And use the default IE pop up blocker.

Works great from me!

IE 7 Problems?microsoft money internet explorer

Try going into control panel/add remove programs and look for Internet explorer 7 and uninstall then restart ur computer

IE 7 and Entire window shuts spontaneously???

As of today when using internet explorer7 trying to play pogo games or yahoo games, as well as logging into housecall and trying to scan for viruses the window would just close--no error message, no anything! just shut ? any help would be great, whatever this is its crippling my surfing ability! Help!

IE 7 and Entire window shuts spontaneously???opera browser

I will give you some info about known issues with IE7, as well as info on clearing out your cache, and number to pogo maybe it will help you with your problem, good luck

While Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 (also known as IE7 or IE 7) is supported for gameplay on Pogo, there are a couple of currently-known issues with it. If we uncover more, we'll add them to this answer, so please feel free to bookmark it or use the 'Notify Me...' button below to receive e-mail messages when we update this information.

'Java not found or not working' errors when using Sun Java and IE 7

If you recently updated to Internet Explorer 7 (IE 7.0) and are now experiencing 'Java Not Found or Not Working' errors, it is typically due to Java being disabled in the browser. You can manually enable Java using the steps below:

Open an Internet Explorer 7 browser window.

Click the Tools menu in the upper right of the window.

Click Manage Add-Ons and select Enable and Disable Add-Ons.

Click Sun Java Console.

Make sure the radio button at the bottom is set to Enable.

Click OK.

Close the window.

Open a new Internet Explorer 7 browser window and go to the Pogo website.

Launch a Pogo game.

Try one that you are sure was not previously working so you can test it.

Java should now be fully enabled and Pogo games should work correctly.

I can't see the chat input box because Internet Explorer 7 is showing an address bar and it's making the window too big.

To remove the address and status bars from the Internet Explorer 7 browser on your Pogo game screens, please follow these instructions:

Open the IE 7 browser.

In the browser window, click the Tools menu (shown by the cog icon next to the question mark).

Click Internet Options.

Click the Security tab.

Click the Green Check Mark/Trusted Sites icon. Make sure the slider in the "Security Level for this zone" section is on Medium.

Click the Sites button.

Make sure the box at the bottom is unchecked where it says "Require server verification (https:)..."

Make sure the small "Add this website..." field says ""

Click the Add button.

Make sure that "" appears in the big Websites field.

Click the Close button.

Click the OK button.

Close all of your Internet Explorer Browser windows.

Restart the game. The Chat Entry Field should now be visible.

Games won't load when using Norton Internet Security and IE 7

A new Norton update that doesn't quite work with IE 7 might cause the games not to load. There is a strange error in Norton that blocks these sites even if Norton Ad Block is disabled, so you will need to add these, or uninstall Norton Ad Block. The steps below should resolve the situation and still allow you to use the ad-blocking utility:

In the ad-blocking configuration of Norton Security, click add site and enter (without a www, http, etc.).

Next, in the ad-blocking portion of that window, click add..., check Permit, and then add each of the following:





Now, close all the windows you opened while following the steps above, and you can turn ad-blocking back on and still load the games.

Clearing your browser cache is not only good regular maintenance for your computer; it can also fix many common issues with Pogo games when they won't load or close mysteriously mid-game, which can commonly happen if the files in your browser cache get corrupted or just stop working. For instructions on how to do this for each browser supported by, please click the link that matches (or most closely matches) the browser you're using. Please follow the 'clear Java cache' instructions as well; that way, you know your browser is starting on a completely clean slate. (Think of it as changing the oil in your car.)

As a final note, even though we list older versions of some browsers here, if you're using an older version of your browser, we strongly recommend visiting the website of the browser's provider (Microsoft for Internet Explorer, etc.) and downloading the very latest version before you do anything else.

Clearing Cache: Internet Explorer 7.x

Here's how to clear your cache with Internet Explorer 7.x browsers:

Launch your Internet Explorer browser.

Click Tools on the menu toolbar at the top of the browser.

Select Internet Options from the drop-down menu.

Click the Delete... button in the Browsing History section.

Click the Delete Files... button in the Temporary Internet Files section.

Click the Close button on the Delete Browsing History screen.

Click OK on the Internet Options screen.

Close all browser windows and restart Internet Explorer.

Please be sure to clear your Java cache as well!


1-866-543-5435 if you need to call pogo ea sports

1-888-854-4446 Unlisted Pogo #

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209 Redwood Shores Parkway, Redwood City, CA 94065

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IE 7 and Entire window shuts spontaneously???microsoft windows internet explorer

The easy fix first:

Control Panel%26gt; Internet Options%26gt; delete all the temporary files and cookies.

Reboot and check to see if it happens again.

Also clean your registry, google 'ccleaner'

The next step:

Go to Start%26gt; All Programs%26gt; Windows Update

again and again until there are no more.

If that does not fix it we are looking at a data backup and re-install/fix the operating system.

Best of luck.

IE 6 is running in the background causing problems. I need to delete/uninstall. Read Details?

I can't remove it from add/remove programs. I've tried removing it from windows components, won't work either. Can just delete it because it's running in the background. How do I force it to quit running so I can delete it. NO. I can't use IE7 because I don't have service pak 2.

IE 6 is running in the background causing problems. I need to delete/uninstall. Read Details?windows movie maker

IE 6 not run in background, maybe be a virus.

Enter in your PC in Safe Mode and try to remove it.

IE 6 is running in the background causing problems. I need to delete/uninstall. Read Details?microsoft project internet explorer

Press alt control delete. Then end process iexplore.exe

That stops internet explorer.
You should be able to stop it from starting when you boot by following these steps.

1. On your desktop, click on "Start" (lower left) and then "Run".

2. When the dialog box opens, type in "msconfig", hit "OK"

That will bring up a list of everything that opens when you boot. Find IE and uncheck the box. Take this opportunity to view what you have running and uncheck those you don't want running. For example, I do not automatically run anything (AIM, etc) unless it is necessary to the operating system or security. I would advise caution here and only uncheck a box at a time unless you know it is ok.

3. Click on "Apply"

Once you have done this you will probably be asked to Reboot. Do so and see if it stops running automatically.

If you are unable to download SP 2 this means that your Microsoft Windows platform is either not legal and the "WGA", tool that validates the registraton key will not allow you to update anything.. Plus I have heard that Microsoft is taking a really hard core stand on platforms that are not legal. Going as far as to keep your system not being able to run. (Can't say if this is true or not).

If you have a legal key and the "WGA", is made a mistake, then you need to contact Microsoft.

I have one suggestion that may remove IE6 from your system. Use your keyboard and all at the same time hit "Ctrl", "Alt", "Delete". On my keyboard the delete is a key that says "Supr" above where the arrows are.

This will open your task mgr. When you open your task mgr., open "applications", and see if you se IE running, as it should show becasue it does not matter if it is running in the background. Right click on end task.

I have the feeling that your platform is not legal. My advise to you if you want to be able to use your pc is that you should purchase a very small item from an OEM, company and then they will sell you the Windows XP Prof., for around $100.00 or less.

Clinical Psychiatrist, France.

IE will not open?

My internet explorer quit working a few weeks ago. Windows xp connection wizard says connection ok, but I can't get to any site.

Yahoo messenger does load up and I can also see gmail loading on the gmail notifier, but can't open it.

What's the deal. I've tried system restore to a previous date without avail.

Also, I would rather not uninstall and have to format the drive as I don't know where the cd is.

IE will not open?microsoft excel


if you have a firewall running in the computer, try disabling it, or if you have the windows firewall, disable it and test, probably is blocking the http access.

good luck

IE will not open?microsoft updates internet explorer

What's your connection type?

My IE stopped working once when I still had 56k connection, turned out I had a trojan that hogged all my bandwidth.

I think it was called brontoc or something.
you're lucky. ie is always trying to innapropriately open on my computer, try as i might to only use firefox.

IE doesn't work, what to do? Urgent!! Please help!!?

I'm able to connect to the internet, log in to yahoo messenger and skype. But some reason, it doesn't connect to explorer. I even tried to uninstall and reinstall new explorer. It still didn't work. All the anti-virus and firewall programs were removed, nothing seemed to work. What can I do to solve the problem? Please help!! Geeks please help !! Thanks!

IE doesn't work, what to do? Urgent!! Please help!!?microsoft office 2007


Firstly it is not nice to refer to the people that could help as geeks, now is it...

Having said that please ensure that you have:

Windows xp / Windows Vista

Windows xp - Service pack two

If this is a new problem I suggest that you check the network connection. This can be done by:

Start menu

My Network places

Ensure there is a working network installed

If not you may have lost a connection and thus can use the wizard to set up a new one.

If this is not the case, most likely as Messenger is working, I would look at your internet settings. *

Refreshing the page also helps as well.

* Very hard to explain your needed settings, please refer to manufactures guide or xp technical help.

If this does not help please email or let us know.

All the best for now


IE doesn't work, what to do? Urgent!! Please help!!?windows media internet explorer

download Firefox or Flock.

they're alternatves of Explorer, but better.
It can't be figured out with out checking personally but the best thing you can do, leave IE and try Firefox its the best you can download n install for free its fast and much more reliable then IE download it from:
Sounds like quite the interesting problem. There is no proper way to solve that problem because IE is just getting bombarded with stuff. I would suggest trying Mozilla Firefox and you'll have a more secure and better browser.

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Make sure that the "Automatically detect settings" box is checked. You can find it at Tools %26gt; Internet Options... %26gt; Connections %26gt; LAN Settings... button
